
Live, Laugh, Love!

About Me

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I'm Nicole but I preferred to be called Nikki. I'm at freshman at Salem State and am majoring in Special Education and psychology. I have always wanted to be a teacher ever since I was a little kid. I love kids and being around them is always a good thing. I babysit quite often and enjoy every second. Anything you want to know, feel free to ask! :]

Monday, February 28, 2011

Gender Bias in schools

Does gender bias play a role in today’s society when it comes to education? I believe that it does. And it is in every classroom whether it is noticed or not. In my own opinion I feel that in the early ages of life the teacher can play a role in eliminating gender bias by asking both boys and girls the same amount of questions and not different levels of difficulty. I feel that all of the students start as being “equal” and that all of the students are treated the same. In the elementary setting there aren’t many cases where one student can do something that the other can’t. And at that age it isn’t as much about the work itself but learning how to get along with each other and how everyone should be treated equal.

When the age moves to around 12 or 13 and in middle school I believe that that is when we can start to see more gender bias. The boys and girls start to separate and what they want out of school become clearer. I believe this is when the teachers start to favor the boys because they want them to do good in school and in order for them to do good then they need to be asked questions and included in class. The teachers feel like they should ask the boys harder questions to get them thinking and being apart of the class and while this is happening the girls are sitting back and being quiet.

There are statistics from the AAUW studies who point out different facts about girls. There are more girls who are likely to finish High school and although boys do better in math and science girls out do boys when it comes to writing and reading tests.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Should Hugs and High Fives be banned in schools?

School's are beginning to ban more and more things as time goes on. Now school's are banning cell phones, ipods, different articles of clothing. And now some schools are going as far as banning hugs and high fives.

Is banning Hugs and High Fives going a little bit overboard? I think that schools should not be able to ban hugs and hugh fives. They can have "rules" suggesting what is okay and what is not for a school, but to say you can't give your friend a high five or your best friend a hug is a little bit dramatic in my own opinion. Hugs and High fives are ways of showing other people that you care, and sometimes it's easier to just give a high five than to talk to someone.

I do agree with some of the teachers that there are different types of hugs and that some of them stretch from a friendly hug to a little more than that. But that is where there are rules on what kind of hugs are allowed at the school. I believe that kids and students should be allowed to hug each other as long as it is appropriate and they are pushing the boundaries.

The Today Show put a poll on whether banning hugs and holding hands is going to far with schools. The results were that 84% said that yes they are going to far, and 16% said that no they aren't. A lot of people are saying that hugs are inappropriate.

http://education-portal.com/articles/Hugs_and_High_Fives_Banned_in_School.htmlpropriate for a school community.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Why People Teach?

There is no specific reason why people teach. In fact there are many different reasons depending on the person. Some people might want to make a difference in a child's life and there for decide that teaching is the best way to do that, or someone may love being around children and they decided that a career where they are always around children would be the best for them. There is no right or wrong answer to why people teach? A teacher isn't just someone who stands in the front of the classroom and drills facts into a students head. A teacher becomes something much more to those students. They become someone they look up to and trust. A teacher becomes a role model for those children that he or she is around.

I believe that not anyone can just become a teacher. It's a tough job and you really have to want it. It's a lot of work, but in the end the reward is far beyond worth it. It's a long process to get there but in the end it is going to be worth it, and you (the teacher) will finally be making an impact in someone else's life. An you'll be able to watch the students grow as you are with them.

Information was gotten by: http://www.helium.com/items/754635-why-do-teachers-want-to-teach