
Live, Laugh, Love!

About Me

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I'm Nicole but I preferred to be called Nikki. I'm at freshman at Salem State and am majoring in Special Education and psychology. I have always wanted to be a teacher ever since I was a little kid. I love kids and being around them is always a good thing. I babysit quite often and enjoy every second. Anything you want to know, feel free to ask! :]

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Zero Tolerance Policy In Schools

The zero tolerance policy is a policy of punishing any infraction of a rule, regardless of accidental mistakes, ignorance, or extenuating circumstances. The zero tolerance policy over the years has become more noticeable and more schools are being to put it into their school. It is used to protect the other students in the school from alcohol, drugs, and weapons of any sorts. But along with those things it also include many of forms of "trouble" that children may or may not get into.

Zero Tolerance means that no matter what the act of trouble is that student is to be expelled or suspended without question. I do not think this is fair because each "crime" or "bending" of the rule is different and some may be more severe than others. If a child flings an elastic, or tells a joke that has offended someone that person should be suspended or expelled. They should be talked to by someone of authority and explained to why that is wrong and why is should not be done. If the action continues then the child should be presented with some sort of punishment. Not every student who does something wrong is a bad student. Some students do things for attention and teachers should look into the reason of why the child is doing something.

Like all rules I think there are exceptions and somethings should be punished right away without question. For example if any kid has a weapon or drug that could effect the other students in the school they should be suspended or expelled and acted upon without question. The safety of the other children in the school is the most important thing and if anything is going to harm them actions should be taken right away.

I do not think the zero tolerance policy is a good idea in schools. I think that it is going to get a lot more kids in trouble than who deserve to actually be in trouble. Teachers or an authority member of some sort should be the ones to make the decision on what type of punishment is given to the student for what he or she did. This should be more looked into and there should always be exceptions to the rules.

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